Having long term temperature data is essential for assessing the effects of climate change. ERA has deployed long term temperature loggers that record daily, seasonal, and annual changes in temperature. Over time, the data collected will be used by biologists, climate change researchers, land managers, and industry groups to better understand the effects of climate change on the Elk River and its tributaries.

Each yellow and red point on the map represents one of our 19 temperature loggers and each blue and yellow point represents one of 5 hydrometric stations.
- Hydrometric monitoring sites
- Lizard Creek
- Forsyth Creek
- Alexander Creek
- Morrissey Creek
- Coal Creek (partnership with City of Fernie)
- Temperature monitoring sites:
- Morrissey Creek
- Michel Creek
- Alexander Creek
- Bleasdell Creek
- Fording River
- Coal Creek
- Cummings Creek
- Forsyth Creek
- Aldridge Creek
- Downstream of Elk Lakes
- Downstream of Boivin

Temperature Data From Key Monitoring Locations
ELK=Elk River, WIL=Wilson Creek, ALX=Alexander Creek, LIZ=Lizard Creek, COL=Coal Creek, BOI=Boivin Creek