The Elk River Alliance Annual General Meeting is coming up, and we would love to see you there! We will start with an Open House to familiarise our community with ERA projects and programs, after which we will have the AGM. Members have the right to vote on matters presented by the board, your input is vital for the functioning of our organisation. We invite all members and the general public to attend!

OPEN HOUSE (5:30-7:15) (in person only)

Meet with ERA staff to learn about our programming, including summer camps, water monitoring, hydrometrics, cottonwood restoration, education and outreach programming, and the Elk River Watershed Monitoring Collaborative. Learn about volunteer opportunities, and how ERA plays a role in stewarding our river and associated communities.


AGM Zoom Link

We invite all Elk River Alliance members (and interested parties) to play a key role in guiding the future of the organisation. Members will have a chance to raise concerns, vote on board re-elections, and engage in a discussion about the direction of ERA. Your input matters!

AGM RSVP (#28)
